Our Story

40+ Years and Counting!

Founded in 1977 by Roger Johnson, a former elementary school teacher, PBS Wealth Management Consultants has always focused first on educating clients.

To celebrate this milestone and support the next generation of financial planners, in 2017 we started a scholarship fund through Red Rocks Community College for statewide high school seniors interested in an accounting, business, finance or accounting major.

Interested in donating to the fund? Contact us or donate directly to the Red Rocks Community College Foundation, care of the PBS Wealth Management Scholarship.

40+ Years of Milestones

At our office, we've always treated clients and staff more like family. While Eldon Laidig retired* in 2015 and passed away in 2017, we keep the spirit of this legacy alive through our financial scholarship fund at Red Rocks Community College. 



*Eldon Laidig is not currently FINRA registered, nor is he registered with Royal Alliance Associates, Inc.